ADHD Kid Daily Diary
The planner is designed that you will be able to download in a word-doc form so that parents can download and revise it to meet their own needs or buy the ready-to-go PDF version.
The downloadable design is geared towards students who have multiple classes, so that they can block doing homework for one class, then taking a break (breaks help people with ADHD reset their mind and refocus), working on the next block, etc.
It is flexible so that, based on the student’s work load, the time blocks can be written in with your own time needs (does your child need 20 minute blocks, 30 minute blocks? etc.
Also, because it is a printable word doc, you can edit it, or print just as many pages as you need to test it out, then tweak it again. Also, because it is not a full 365 day planner, you can use a simple manilla folder, put one monthly calendar on the inside left, and a week’s worth of daily journal pages on the right, and have a way less bulky, inexpensive planner that is flexible and adaptable. (I store the prior daily logs in a folder in case we want to review them, and we often review the current day’s planner, especially if I feel like there may be a time management issue).
How it Works
It is designed for kids:
1) to be able to note work and/or due dates, while in school, if practicable, or to be able to fill it in when they get home.
2) when they get home, they fill it in if it is not already filled in, with how much time they are supposed to spend, per subject, per class (if this has not already been filled by the parent prior to printing) in the Est. Time column. Then the child puts the due date in the due date column.
3) next, depending on homework and the child’s personality, the parent and child work together on helping the child understand how to prioritize, and use the “priority” column to determine which item the child should work on first, second, third.
For example, my daughter’s medication wears off by around 5 or so, and without the medication, writing projects, such as history and/or english assignments, are especially hard and slow. So usually, she will prioritize doing those first, unless she is really far behind on something else that is due, soon.
The planner also includes sections for daily chores, and a review section for when the child and parent are reviewing the child’s progress and working together to help the child understand where they are struggling with time management, and how they can improve.
The goal is that the planner is a tool to 1) help the child learn to manage time and prioritize better, and 2) help the parent know where the child is struggling, to give more useful feedback and advice, and 3) to be able to better advocate for the child with the child’s school for 504 plans and/or IEP plans.
Get Started With the ADHD Kid Daily Diary Now!
Want to learn how to use the ADHD Kid Daily Diary?
Check out our video collection of how to use the ADHD Kid Daily Diary here.